VN national pavilion at ITU Digital World shows resilient digital Vietnam

October 18, 2021 | 09:17 am GMT+7

With the theme "Resilient Digital Vietnam", the national pavilion of Vietnam at the ITU Digital World 2021 has shown a resilient digital nation, which can adapt to all changes of the times, finding bright spots to turn risks into opportunities.


The theme "Resilient Digital Vietnam" shows the spirit of rising up in any situation, not giving up despite any difficulties and being ready to reach out the world. It also shows that Vietnam is striving to conquer a new development space - Digital government, digital economy, digital society on the basis of digital technology, digital transformation and the country’s cultural and traditional foundation. That is the main theme of the national booth of Vietnam at the ITU Digital World, with the image of the Lac bird (legendary bird in Vietnamese folklore) bringing Vietnam into space.

This message also shows that the Government and people of Vietnam are always ready to transform, adapt to all changes of the times, see bright spots to turn risks into opportunities. Vietnam has a strong desire to develop a strong, prosperous and happy country, to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with friends in five continents. Vietnam is ready to cooperate, ready to share, ready to connect with international friends to build a digital world together.

According to the Vietnamese Ministry of Information and Communications, the world has changed after the Covid-19 pandemic. Lockdown, social distance, curfew… make all activities no longer the same as before. This is the time when digital transformation becomes a measure of a nation's strength and capacity. The Covid-19 pandemic is a hundred-year push for digital transformation.

To adapt to the pandemic situation, the Vietnamese Government is promoting digital transformation. Vietnam has issued a strategy on digital transformation with the goal of promoting digital applications, digital businesses and looking towards a digital nation. Vietnam also issued the “Make in Vietnam” strategy to encourage Vietnamese people to master technology, solve Vietnamese problems, and then go global. The goal is that by 2030, Vietnam will complete the construction of a digital government, the digital economy will account for 30% of the country’s GDP and Vietnam will be among the top 50 countries in terms of e-Government.

The Vietnam National Pavilion at ITU Digital World 2021 is visualized as a "Digital Space Boat" in the shape of a "Lac Bird," which means the transition of a new era, new means, exploration of new spaces, new thinking, on the basis of historical and cultural traditions of the nation. The Lac bird flying high like an eternal desire to conquer the sky. The Lac bird symbolizes the dream of traveling through space despite storms and challenges.

The Vietnam Exhibition Space is divided into 3 subdivisions: (1) Hall Center; (2) Cloud Studio; (3) Products Center.




