Party General Secretary and President congratulates Vietnam Journalists' Association on 70th anniversary

April 22, 2020 | 09:03 am GMT+7

On the occasion of the 70th founding anniversary of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association (VJA) (April 21, 1950-2020), Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong has sent a letter of congratulation to the VJA. The following is the full text of the letter.


 On the 70th founding anniversary of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association (VJA) (April 21, 1950-2020), I cordially send my best wishes to all cadres and members of the VJA.

Over the past 70 years, since the VJA’s establishment at the Viet Bac war zone in the resistance war against the French colonialists, generations of VJA members and journalists nationwide have always been united and creative, as well as having exerted every effort to overcome difficulties, constantly develop and make important contributions to the revolutionary cause of our Party and people. In all circumstances, numerous VJA members and journalists have always stood side by side with the nation, actively popularised the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws; encouraged the entire nation in the fight for independence and freedom as well as in the causes of national construction and defence nowadays. In addition, they have also actively participated in the Party’s building work, creatinga clean and strong political system, fighting against corruption and negative acts; exposing the plots and tricks of hostile forces and elements of political opportunism, protecting the Party’s ideological foundation; as well as consolidating and strengthening the great national unity bloc. In recognition of the great contribution made by the VJA and journalists throughout the country, the Party and the State have awarded the VJA with the Gold Star Order, the Ho Chi Minh Order and many other noble awards.
On this occasion, on behalf of the Party and State leaders, I warmly congratulate the VJA on its proud achievements over the last 70 years.
Our country is entering a new period of development with a new position and strength, facing both opportunities and challenges. In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the mission of the press is cumbersome but also very glorious. I wish that the VJA and its members nationwide continue to develop, promote their revolutionary tradition and incessantly foster their ideals, political and professional skills and especially the professional ethics of its members. The VJA at all levels and each journalist should be imbued with and implement the teaching of our beloved Uncle Ho: “Press officers are also revolutionary soldiers. Their pens and papers are their sharp weapons”, and continue to renovate their content and mode of operation, to be truly reliable in their professional activities as journalists. I request Party committees and authorities at all levels and people of all strata continue to pay attention to and create favourable conditions for the VJA and press agencies to fulfill their tasks.
With affection and confidence, I wish all members of the VJA and journalists across the country good health, joy, happiness, continuous innovation, creativity, always deserving as pioneers on the ideological and cultural front of the Party.