Ministry of Information and Communications
of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (MIC)
Address: 18 Nguyen Du Str. - Hanoi- Vietnam
Telephone :(84) 024.39430204
Fax: (84) 024.38226590
The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam is the policy making and regulatory body in the fields of press; publishing; posts, telecommunications; radio frequency; information technology, electronics; broadcasting; media; foreign information; domestic information; and national information and communication infrastructure; management of related public services on behalf of the Government. The functions, duties and responsibilities of MIC are regulated in the Government’s Decree No. 17/2017/ND-CP dated Feb 17, 2017.
- MIC submits drafts of laws, ordinances, resolutions to the National Assembly and National Assembly Standing Committee; drafts of to the Government according to annual agendas, plans on building legal documents of the Government and projects assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister;
- MIC submits strategies, master plans, long-term or five-year or annual development plans; national target programs; national target programs, action programs and national important projects and works, programs and projects on public utility services, public services under line sectors, fields of MIC’s management to the Government and the Prime Minister; draft decisions, directives and others to the Prime Minister;
- Issue circulars, decisions, directives and other documents on management of line sectors and fields under MIC’s management.
- MIC also provides guidances to the enforcement of laws, ordinances, regulations as well as the implementation of development strategies and plans related to press, publishing, post, telecommunications and information technology.
Press (including printed newspapers, e-newspapers, broadcasting, media news)
- Give guidance to organize the implementation of master plans on press networks including national and Vietnamese press representative offices located overseas which are approved by the Prime Minister;
- Organize media conferences, manage press information;
- Implement the regulation of spokespersons under the regulations of the Prime Minister;
- Promulgate the regulation of organizing contests, festivals, seminars on press;
- Provide depositary newspapers, manage the national depositary press archive;
- Grant, extend, modify, supplement, suspend, revoke press licenses, licenses of release of news, special issues, supplements, special programs, sub-programs and press cards; License foreign newspapers published in Viet Nam; Approve of organizing press conferences;
- Give guidance to domestic press agencies and agents, cooperate with related agencies to manage the activities of Viet Nam press involving foreign affairs and the press activities of foreigners and foreign organizations in Viet Nam;
- Agree on appointment, dismissal of Editors in Chief, Deputy Editors, General Directors, Deputy General Directors, Directors, Deputy Directors of press agencies;
- Provide standards, qualifications, technical expertise of heads of press agencies;
- Manage broadcasting services.
- Give guidance, direct, organize the implementation of master plans on publishing, printing and distributing network; of policies on publishing which are approved by the Prime Minister;
- Stipulate terms and conditions to the organizations in publishing, printing;
- Grant, extend, modify, suspend, revoke licenses on establishment of publishers, licenses to placement of the representative offices of foreign publishers in Viet Nam; licenses to placement of the representative offices of foreign organizations in the field of publishing;
- Grant, extend, modify, supplement, suspend, revoke licenses of publishing; licenses of non-commercial documents ; licenses of printing licensed products; licenses of providing printing publication services for foreign areas; licenses of importing printing equipment, licenses of imported publications sales; licenses of organizing publications exhibitions and fairs under the legal rules, manage the release and popularization of compositions under MIC’s powers;
- Certify and manage the registration of publishing plans of publishers, of printing to unlicensed printing documents and of a list of imported publications to businesses of imported publications sales;
- Appraise publications; Inspect depositary publications and manage the depositary of publications; organize the ordering and delivery of publications to the areas where the State prioritizes investing; organize national publication fairs and promote publications in the foreign countries in conformity of the legal rules;
- Suspend, revoke, confiscate, prohibit the release of and destruct illegal publications;
- Grant, extend, revoke editor cards;
- Manage supporting activities for publishing in conformity to the legal rules;
- Agree on appointment, dismissal of Directors, Editorial Heads of publishers;
- Providing standards, qualifications, technical skills of heads of publishers and editors.
Foreign information
- Execute the state management on foreign information in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and concerned ministries, sectors;
- Build and implement strategies, master plans, plans, programs on foreign information services;
- Give guidance on foreign information content to press, news agencies of Viet Nam; Give guidance on foreign information management to provincial Department of Information and Communications.
Execute the management on advertising on press, on the networks, on publications or integrated on posts, telecommunications, information technology products and services under the legal rules; Grant, extend, modify, supplement, revoke advertising programs and channels to audio and visual press.
- Give guidance, direct, organize the implementation of implement plans, strategies, programs, projects on the postal sector, mechanisms, policies on postal operations, a list of universal postal services and solutions to support operators which are specified to provide public postal services;
- Regulate postal charges and tariffs for universal postal services, reserved services’ extension, set technical standards on postal operations;
- Grant, extend, modify, supplement, suspend, revoke licenses on importing postage stamps, postal licenses, postal operation certificates;
- Regulate and manage security, competition in postal operations and resolve disputes in the field of posts;
- Regulate and manage postage stamps;
- Regulate and manage public postal network and the provision of public utility postal service;
- Regulate and manage national postal codes, postage stamp codes of Viet Nam;
- Regulate and manage the quality and charges of postal services.
- Give guidance, organize and inspect master plans on development of telecommunications and Internet; frameworks, policies on development of telecommunications and Internet; manage the telecommunications and Internet market and implement programs on providing public utility telecommunication service;
- Appraise pre-feasibility and feasibility study reports of programs, projects on investment and development of telecommunications and Internet infrastructure under MIC’s power;
- Give guidance and manage the competition and resolve disputes in the fields of telecommunications and Internet.
- Grant, extend, modify, supplement, suspend and revoke licenses on telecommunications;
- Issue and organize the implementation of master plans, regulations on management of the number storage, Internet domains and addresses; decisions on allocating and revoking the number storage, Internet domains and addresses;
- Issue and organize the implementation of regulations on management of telecommunication and Internet service charges; protect rights of telecommunication and Internet service users;
- Issue and organize the implementation of regulations on management of telecommunication internetworking;
- Issue standards, technical regulations; manage the quality of products, equipment, networks, services in the fields of telecommunications and Internet;
- Manage the provision of public utility telecommunication service;
- Give guidance on building and implementing master plans on passive telecommunication infrastructure;
- Manage test systems on telecommunications;
- Set, manage, operate, exploit and ensure the safety of servers with national domains and national Internet interchanges.
Information technology, electronics (including IT industry, IT use and information security)
- Give guidance, assign, and organize the implementation of projects in the field of information technology, electronics; Provide frameworks, policies on supporting for the development of hardware, software and digital content industries; Provide lists and regulations on national databases and on investment management in the field of information technology application using the state budget;
- Promulgate mechanisms, policies, regulations relating information technology, electronics products and services, national databases;
- Grant, extend, modify, supplement, suspend, revoke licenses, certificates on information technology, electronics; Manage the quality in the operations of information technology application, the provision of services, computer networks and information technology, electronics products, equipment;
- Building policies on supporting for training, development of information technology human resources; standards on information technology workforce, concerned certificates on information technology;
- Organize the construction of information technology infrastructure for information technology application, facilitating E-Government development in combination with administrative reform programs;
- Manage programs on information technology, electronics application and development; frameworks and the standard structures of information systems;
- Organize the provision of national digital signature services;
- Examine, evaluate, rank the level of information technology application in state agencies, organizations and enterprises;
- Regulate and manage information security; assure information security for information systems and on the Internet; assure information security for the operations of information technology application; spam prevention; organize the management, coordination of nationwide computer troubleshooting;
- Regulate and manage the production, sales, import and export of information security products and services; accredit, evaluate and issue licences on information security;
- Build and operate systems for information security assurance; train, foster, raise the awareness of information security.
Electronic information
- Issue and organize the implementation of regulations on games online services and services for providing information and applications on the telecommunication and Internet network;
- Grant, extend, modify, supplement, suspend, revoke licenses, certificates on electronic information.
Radio frequencies
- Give guidance, organize the implementation of master plans on transmission, broadcasting; master plans on national frequency range which are approved by the Prime Minister;
- Allocate frequency bands in cooperation with the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Public Security for the purpose of defense, security to be submitted to the Prime Minister;
- Promulgate master plans on frequency bands, frequency channels, using frequency channels, regulations on conditions to allocate, specify, use radio frequencies, radio frequency bands;
- Promulgate standards, regulations on radio equipment, radio emissivity on electromagnetic compatibility;
- Promulgate technical regulations on technical conditions of license-free radio equipment, technical regulations (on frequencies, broadcasting capacity) of radio equipment before being manufactured or imported to reuse in Viet Nam;
- Promulgate regulations on training and certificating radio operators;
- Grant, extend, modify, supplement, suspend, revoke licenses on radio frequencies;
- Examine, control frequencies, and radio equipment, handle detrimental noises; manage electromagnetic compatibility and radio equipment systems;
- Register international frequencies, cooperate internationally on radio frequency and satellite orbits.
Domestic information
- Give guidance, direct, organize the implementation of master plans, plans on communication and propagandization;
- Build and appraise, give guidance on the implementation of contents for communication and dissemination under MIC’s functions and duties in conformity with guidelines of the Party, policies of the State;
- Support to give guidance on building and organizing communication and propagandization systems throughout the country.
Information and communications infrastructure
- Give guidance, implement legal rules on information security assurance on information and communications infrastructure;
- Promulgate solutions on information security assurance and safety on information and communications infrastructure; Provide mechanisms, policies, regulations on using shared information and communications infrastructure;
- Manage the safety of equipment, telecommunications infrastructure; cooperate with the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Public Security to assure information security for key works relating to national security in the fields of telecommunications and information technology.
Intellectual property
Cooperate and organize the implementation of the regulations on intellectual property to press products, encrypted broadcasting programs, publications, postage stamps, information technology products and services; to inventions, patents belonging to the fields, sectors managed by MIC.