a) Online Public Services
- The rate of fully qualified public services is 100% (the target for 2023). Currently, 83/83 ministries and provinces have issued a list of fully qualified public services, partly according to Decree No. 42/2022/ND-CP.
- The rate of public services with online records is estimated at 80% (the target for 2023).
- The rate of fully qualified public services is estimated at 60% (the target for 2023).
- 54/85 ministries, branches and localities have issued a list of shared databases (an increase of 35% compared to 2022).
- 42/85 ministries, branches and localities have issued a list of open databases (an increase of 425% compared to 2022).
- 1.67 billion transactions have been conducted through the NDXP Platform, exceeding the target by 2025.
- 07 national databases have been put into operation and shared use by state agencies.
- The number of specialized databases established at ministries, branches and localities increased by 38.5% compared to 2022, from 1,280 to 2,077 databases.
- The rate of ministries and provinces that have identified a list of databases reached 63%.
- The announcement of open data plans and catalogs increased sharply from 9% to 50% compared to 2022.
b) The NDXP platform has now connected to the systems of 90 agencies, organizations and enterprises. Currently, the platform has connected 103 ministries, branches, localities, agencies and organizations at the central level (basically all level I agencies); has connected 10 databases, 15 information systems providing data sharing services on NDXP. Number of monthly users: 90/103 agencies, units and enterprises with a total number of transactions since its launch (2019) reaching 1.67 billion; in 2023, there was an average of about 1.78 million transactions per day./.